I neglected to introduce myself...
My name is Kimberly Stewart. I am 24 years old and a new mom. I come from a huge family consisting of 3 sister, 2 brothers, 2 half sisters, and one step brother. It makes for great get together for sure. I grew up in the country and now currently live in the City. One day I want to move back to the country but still be insanely close to the city amenities. I think I am dreaming if that is actually going to happen. My husband, Evan, and I got married in August 2008. It was beautiful. I would do it all over again if I was able to! I enjoy nights with friends, food, and movies. I even make little movies consisting of the best star ever! My Sophie. They are like scrap booking but for the computer inclined!
Evan helps me with everything. He is definitely my ... left hand.
Not my right I think I'm the right but he's a good left
He is an
arborist by trade so 'monkey' by name suits him. From May to October I rarely see him as this is the peak season for tree assistance. Then in the winter I am plagued with an energetic man who loves his hockey.
My Darling Sophie came in August 2009. She has just turned 7 months old. She crawls everywhere which means she is into EVERYTHING! She has been encourages to walk from her Auntie Mandy so we expect that by her 8
th month
lol Maybe even some hair.
Finally, our family is complete with our Boston terrier Lily. If you want a dog full of kisses! Get a Boston!
Well, that's my family!